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ApolloSubscription: Component Lifecycle


On connecting to the DOM, the element reads it's subscription and variables properties either from JavaScript, or from it's script children, and initializes a MutationObserver to watch for changes to those children.


When the subscription property changes (via JavaScript assignment, or when the GraphQL script child changes) the element sets up its Observable and begins fetching data (unless configured otherwise).

If both a GraphQL script child and a JavaScript property are present, JavaScript takes precedence.


When the variables property changes (via JavaScript assignment or when the JSON script child changes) the element either refetches the existing Observable or attempts to initialize a new one and fetch.

If both a JSON script child and a JavaScript property are present, JavaScript takes precedence.


Called synchronously before all automatic attempts to subscribe. If it returns true, the element will subscribe and begin fetching. Returns true by default, Override to prevent automatic subscription.


When called automatically (via documentChanged or variablesChanged) or explicitly, attemptes to subscribe. If a observableSubscription already exists, it will use that one, unless shouldResubscribe is set.


When called, ends the subscription and unsets the Observable.


Unary function which takes an object containing client and subscriptionData. The subscriptionData contains data, loading, and error properties. It is called after the element instance's properties are set.


The onSubscriptionComplete callback is a function of no parameters that is called when the subscription ends (e.g. via cancel or on disconnect).

onData is called after the element instance' properties are set.


The onError callback is a unary function that takes an Error or ApolloError.

onError is called after the element instance' properties are set.


Cancels the subscription.


Listen for the apollo-subscription-result and apollo-error events to react to changes. They fire before the element instance' properties are set.


Detail is an object containing client and subscriptionData. The subscriptionData contains data, loading, and error properties. It is called after the element instance's properties are set.